This weekend’s cooler temperatures were perfect for us to go for a stroll on the Kennebunk to Biddeford stretch of the Eastern Trail. Well almost perfect. It being a rail trail, Asa was inspired to write a new parody, which is now stuck in all of our heads!
We’ve been hiking on the rail trail,
All weekend long.
We’ve been hiking on the rail trail,
And singing this happy song!
Can’t you hear the puppy panting?
Look out here comes another bike!
Can’t you hear the puppy panting?
How long is this hike?!
To answer Asa’s question, the Kennebunk to Biddeford section is 6 miles, one way with a bridge that crosses over Interstate 95. We walked as far as Arundel, where there is a road crossing, rested at the kiosk for a bit, then headed back. Because it is a former rail line, the trail is easy, flat, and straight for walking, and wooded for most of it making the hard packed dirt cool for the paws. Parking is available at the Kennebunk Elementary School, located off ME Route 35 approximately 0.6 miles north of I-95 Exit 25.
As always please pick up after your pet, and remember dogs must be on-leash. Also be respectful of the joggers and bikers who frequent this popular trail. For more information on the Eastern Trail in Kennebunk, you can read our original review on our Dog Friendly Places page.
Now feel free to continue singing along with Asa, as you scroll through these more recent photos of the Kennebunk section of the Eastern Trail.