Asa here. As you are probably well aware, my Imaginary Friend and I are inseparable. However, he tends to be a bit shy and only appears in the most random of places, usually behind glass. However, it has always been my dream that someday he would finally come out of the shadows and talk to me. Recently while at the mall, I finally got my wish!
My Imaginary Friend first made a brief appearance while I was in line waiting to meet Santa. However, despite all my encouragement, he got scared and disappeared before he could join me in getting his picture taken with Santa. He does that a lot, so I really wasn’t surprised when he vanished.

However, afterwards while I was helping Chuck Billy with his Christmas shopping, my Imaginary Friend surprised me by making his boldest move to date! Usually my Imaginary Friend shadows my every move and mimics me. But this time something was different. My Imaginary Friend wasn’t following my lead! Rather than peering at me from behind the glass watching my every move like he usually does, he was relaxed, and just hanging out.

I immediately dragged Mom over so I could get a closer look. I must have caught him off-guard, because he instantly sprang up to look at me. After what seemed like an eternity of just staring at each other that’s when it happened, I heard my Imaginary Friend’s voice for the first time! I started to dance around with glee! Finally my dream had been answered and my Imaginary Friend was emerging from the shadows! Ok, I have to admit his first words weren’t what I expected. It wasn’t something clever like how Frosty proclaimed, “Happy Birthday!” No, my Imaginary Friend’s first audible bark was, “What are you looking at?” But hey, it’s a start, right?

However, just like that it was over! After barking his first words, my Imaginary Friend got shy again and raced towards the back of the store. At that same moment, Mom dragged me away because Chuck Billy was done Christmas shopping. Did she not see what happened? Well apparently not, because neither she nor Chuck Billy believed my story. But I know the truth about that magical moment at the mall!