When Asa’s Rock Star Dream Began

Asa here. I have to admit, I was really disappointed that I didn’t get to meet Dee Snider of Twisted Sister when he came to Maine last weekend. Because it was Dee who inspired me to become a rock star! The very first parody I ever wrote was to Twisted Sister’s paw pounding arena anthem, “I Wanna Rock!” Alright, I admit, I may have just misheard the words back then….but this still counts as my first parody!

I Want a Rock (February 26, 2016)

It’s official.  My little brother is a teenager.  Ever since Asa heard the classic rock anthem, “I Wanna Rock,” by Twisted Sister, he has been barking it at the top of his lungs.  But once again he is a delinquent without a clue, because he misheard the lyrics and thinks the song is literally about eating rocks.  The following is Asa’s interpretation of the song:

I want a rock! ROCK!

Drop it you say,
But all you ever say to me is time and time again you say No!
No! No! No!
Tell me not to play,
Well, all I got to say to when you tell me not to play I say No!
No! No! No!
So, if you ask me how I want to play
There’s only one thing I can bark to you

I want a rock! ROCK!

There’s a feelin’ that
I get from eating rocks and there ain’t nothin’ in the world that makes me go!
Go! Go! Go!
Whenever one turns up

I’ve waited for so long so I could eat my favorite rock I won’t let it go!

Go! Go! Go!
When it’s like this I feel the urge shootin’ through me
There’s nothin’ else that I would rather do

I want a rock! ROCK!

2024: Alright I admit my lyrics aren’t great, and this photo of me in full adolescent angst is embarrassing, but still us up-and-coming rock stars all have to start somewhere!


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.