It’s time for everyone’s favorite game show, Woo Hoo Who? Where contestants try to guess what’s that annoying noise we keep hearing in our neighborhood! Our first contestant is Asa! And I’m your host, Chuck Billy!
Chuck Billy: Asa, can you please identify the source of this sound: Woo Hoo! Woo Hoo! Woo Hoo! Woo Hoo! It also can be heard as Woo Hoo Hoo Hoo! Woo Hoo Hoo Hoo! And Woo Hooooooooo! Woo Hooooooooo! Woo Hooooooooo! As well as additional variations of that pattern.
Asa: Can you please use it in a sentence?
Chuck Billy: Certainly! This “Woo Hoo Hoo! Woo Hoo Hoo!” day and night is very annoying!
Asa: I’d like to use a life line, please. Mom, any ideas?
Mom: Well I first thought it was an alarm based on the low tones and even pattern, but after hearing it’s haunting rhythm changing on and off for weeks now I’m going to say it’s not an alarm.
Asa: I agree. Because no one would let an alarm go off day and night like that slowly driving Chuck Billy insane.
Chuck Billy: I’m not insane. I’m just annoyed.
Asa: I’m also going to rule out dog, because although the Hoooooo Hooooo Hoooo part does remind me of the neighbor’s dog howling, I think that’s just him singing along to it. So that leaves me with two options. It’s either a monkey or a bird. And since monkeys are not indigenous to Maine, I’m going to say it is a bird!
Chuck Billy: Is that your final answer?
Asa: Yes! But I want to add that it definitely isn’t my owl friend, because I’ve heard her pondering “who?” at the same time this Woo Hoo noise is being made. Therefore they are NOT one and the same bird. Unless my owl friend is a ventriloquist.
Chuck Billy: Great! Now for the folks playing along at home, can anyone identify what bird makes this annoying sound? Remember it goes Woo Hoo! Woo Hoo! Woo Hoo! Woo Hoo! Woo Hoo Hoo Hoo! Woo Hoo Hoo Hoo! Woo Hooooooooo! Woo Hooooooooo! Woo Hooooooooo!
Thanks for playing along!