A Predator Is Lurking…

Out there a fierce predator is lurking, and Mom won’t let us leave the house.  This predator is known for being a “robust and agile hunter with excellent eyesight.”  But he is more than a mere hunter, he is a Wolf…Spider!  As you no doubt already know, Wolves come in all shapes and sizes.  I’m a Golden Wolf, and Asa believes he is a Dire Wolf.  But we had no idea that Wolf Spiders existed.  That is until Mom lifted the lid on our poop barrel and saw the biggest Spider she has ever seen!  Luckily she kept her composure long enough to snap a photo before slamming down the lid and trapping him inside…or so she thought.

Although Dad is by no means an expert on either Spiders or Wolves, after scrolling through some photos online he is somewhat confident our guest is a Wolf Spider.  Wolf Spiders are known for living solitary lives and hunting alone.  But despite that characteristic, I’m really not surprised that a lone Wolf would want to join our pack.  However, his choice of making a den in our poop barrel is a bit disgusting.  But who am I to judge?

So for the last few days he has lived in our barrel, relatively undisturbed because Mom refused to go near it leaving only Dad brave enough to toss our business in there.  Problem is, this morning there’s no sign of the Spider in the barrel.  According to Wikipedia, Wolf Spiders “are opportunistic hunters pouncing upon prey as they find it or even chasing it over short distances.”  And for that reason Mom is keeping us in the house today.  She’s not necessarily afraid the Wolf Spider will attack us.  Rather, she’s afraid Asa and I will make friends with him and invite him inside.  Well of course if we see him we’ll invite him to join our pack!  Us Wolves must stick together, no matter what shape or size!

The newest member of our pack.

Introducing the newest member of our pack.

Seriously Mom, you have to let us outside eventually.

Seriously Mom, you have to let us outside eventually.


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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