Advice for Graduates

Once again graduation season is upon us. Whether you’re graduating from college, high school, canine good citizen, or even puppy kindergarten, here are some wise words etched in stone to help guide you on your future path. These photos were taken back in 2015 along the Babson Boulder Trail at Dog Town Woods in Gloucester, Massachusetts, when Asa was just a mere puppy. However, this solid advice have served him well over the years.

As you enter the “real world” remember that it takes courage.

You will face many new adventures along your journey, but always stay true to your ideals.

Now after graduating it is common to want to take a break and let loose. But remember if work stops, values decay.

So get a job!

Just like the above photo, your goals may get a little blurry. However, be sure to take initiative and don’t let obstacles get in your way on your quest to reach the top.

Yet despite your enthusiasm, you may not start out on top. But if you work hard…

…are sure to be on time…

…and use your head, you will soon climb to the top!

Along the way, save…

…and try your best to keep out of debt.

Remember too, that it is your intelligence that got you this far in life.

So never stop learning and always study new things, because you can teach an old dog (or human) new tricks.

And above all else, be true to yourself!

Congratulations to the Class of 2019!


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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