Asa stop singing that silly song! Sit, we need to have a little talk about personal space, and that not all friends are safe. First off, I want to thank you for not inviting your Toad friend inside to play. Stop giggling! This is a serious conversation. It is alright for your new friend to sit outside on our stoop to keep warm, especially now that there is an autumn chill in the air. Asa, focus! Are you even listing to me?
Oh let me get to the point of this conversation. You must respect the personal space of your new friend! Contrary to what you think, Toads don’t like being licked! To protect themselves from predators, or in your case annoying friends, they can emit an incredibly foul tasting, and sometimes toxic substance. So you need to stop bothering him! Wait? Are you singing a parody of a Katy Perry song?
I licked a Toad, and I liked it
The taste of his froggy goodness
I licked a Toad just to try it
I hope my Mommy don’t mind it
It felt so wrong, it felt so right
I’ll be hallucinating all night!