Asa, sit. We need to have another chat about the rules. First off, I want to thank you for no longer inviting your mice and insect friends inside to live. I really appreciate your efforts to keep them outside, even if you do forget once in awhile. However, I must ask you to stop helping your Chipmunk friends to find housing in our yard. They’re everywhere!
It isn’t just an issue of overcrowding either. It is also a safety issue for your little friends. Take for example the family that took up residence in the downspout of our gutters. This unusually dry spring has lulled them into a false sense of security. But just one torrential downpour from a summer storm, and your Chipmunk’s priceless possessions will be washed away.

Besides, flooding is the least of their problems. Something far more deadly could happen to the little chap that you gave permission to move into our grill. What if Dad didn’t check the grill before using it? No one wants crispy Chipmunk for dinner! Not even our Chipmunk obsessed friends, Walter and Pixel.

In addition to their safety, I can’t help but notice they are getting a bit possessive, as if we’re the intruders. Poor Mom just wanted to quietly read on the porch, when one angry little fellow emerged from his newly made home in our decorative barrel table and started chattering at her. I’m not fluent in Chipmunk, but I have a feeling based on the tone of what he said it wasn’t nice. Not to mention he forced Mom to retreat inside the house.
Then there was the near fatal accident in our driveway! Your little friends really need to look both ways before crossing, especially when Dad is driving. Or how about the time when that Chipmunk was in such a rush he ran between my legs and over Mom’s foot while we were walking! The scream Mom let out nearly scared me half to death!
We are fortunate to live in a neighborhood surrounded by pristine forest and fields, perfect for them to build their homes and go about their lives. Can you please direct the Chipmunks to live there from this point forward instead of so close to our house? It really is for their own safety. Thank you!