Asa’s First Concert

Asa here. I performed at my first concert! I don’t actually remember what I sang, or how big the audience was, but I have it on good authority from my Dentist that I did a lot of singing! Oh sure I always imagined my first concert would take place at a sold out stadium, or at least a moderately sized club, but for some reason Chuck Billy booked me to perform at my veterinary dental care center. However, a gig is a gig, no matter where it is, right?

I guess Chuck Billy was afraid I’d get nervous if he told me in advance, so this was all a big surprise for me. The day began like any other. My only clue that something was amiss was when I came back from my walk, and breakfast wasn’t served. Even the water bowl was missing! Yet Chuck Billy, who was walked before me, didn’t seemed troubled by the lack of food. It was as if he ate without me, but he’d never do that! So I patiently watched Mom and Dad in the hopes that they’d eventually remember their mistake. However, when I saw Dad take out our adventure backpack all thoughts of food were out of my mind. It’s been months since we’ve gone on an adventure! I started spinning and dancing with glee, as Dad loaded me into the car. Unfortunately Dad was so excited too that he forgot to bring Mom and Chuck Billy!

After a very long car ride, I soon recognized that we were at my doggie dentist’s office! It’s been a whole year since my friends there fixed my tooth. I can’t believe I almost forgot what a Long Strange Trip that was! But they didn’t forget me! In fact, the vet tech was so excited by my arrival she came out to the car to greet me. She ushered me inside the building so quickly that Dad couldn’t keep up and stayed at the car. After the excitement of greeting my old and new friends there, I realized I was suddenly feeling very sleepy. It must have been the lack of breakfast.

Next thing I know, similar to the last time I was there, I found myself waking up feeling very groggy. Did I party like a rock star with them, and not remember it? In my daze I overheard the Dentist talking on the phone, and saying something about “all went very well,” and “Asa is singing now.” That’s when I realized I was making soft squeaking whiny noises. Oh dear! What song was I singing? Why can’t I remember the lyrics? And why did my mouth feel so fresh and clean? I hope I didn’t sing anything naughty that forced them to wash my mouth out with soap! Despite my concerns, I drifted off to sleep a bit more.

When I finally felt less groggy, my vet tech friend took me outside. It was while I was trying to figure if the ground was moving or if my legs had turned into rubber, that I spotted Dad. I tried to cover up my wobbly legs by using my new moves like Jagger to swagger my way over to properly introduce him to my friend. That’s when she told Dad, “Asa’s been putting on quite a concert with all his singing. That’s normal though, and he should calm down on the ride home.” Now that she mentioned it, I was still making that weird squeaking whiny noise. Why can’t I remember the lyrics? Or even the tune for that matter?

Who cares what I sang! All that matters is I had my first concert and the audience wasn’t Mom and Dad! In fact, my family wasn’t even in the building! My only regret is just like my last visit, it appears they shaved my leg but I never decided on what tattoo I wanted. That’s ok. I was a bit groggy there, I made that important decision once I got home.

A tattoo should reflect your personality. I think this sums up me well.
For those who missed my first concert, I’ll be doing an encore performance in my yard today. And this time I promise to remember the lyrics!


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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