Oops, this is awkward. You caught me sneaking out of the office early again. Except this time I convinced Asa, Mom and Dad to join me. We are taking some time off this week, so our posts will be sporadic, and our replies delayed. But with over 2,000 blog posts, we think we have something for everyone to keep you entertained during our absence. Like this post from 2017 when Asa revealed he was keeping a secret from me…
Asa’s Secret Revealed (June 2017)
Asa here. Can you keep a secret from Chuck Billy? No seriously, can you? You see I have a good thing going here and I don’t want him to spoil it. I guess I can trust you with my secret. Once a week Chuck Billy makes a big deal about going to the dump with Dad. He even wrote about it in “Trash Bag Piñata: Ode to Garbage Day.” He thinks he’s all cool getting to go on a car ride with Dad to bring our recyclables and garbage to the transfer station. But let’s face it, he’s riding in a car with a bag full of our poop! Then he comes home bragging about all the treats the people who work there gave him, and how awesome the place smells. But little does Chuck Billy realize what goes on when he’s not here!
As soon as the car pulls out of the driveway, it’s playtime! It’s a special time when Mom and I get to play with all the toys that I cherish but Chuck Billy would destroy in a heartbeat. You may have noticed that red chest by the windows in some of our photos. It’s filled with all sorts of toys, and Chuck Billy is clueless! Seriously, he stands next to it several times a day while barking at the Squirrels outside, but has no idea about the treasures that are in the toy box! After Chuck Billy leaves, Mom opens it and lets me choose a toy or two. Sometimes I play with a squeaky toy, other times it is a problem solving toy that rewards me with a treat, and some days I grab a new ball and play fetch with Mom! The choice of what we play with is all mine!
I feel bad keeping this a secret from my big brother. But let’s face it, Chuck Billy is a bit rough on our toys. He likes to show off his inner wolf by ripping apart my stuffed animals. Also despite all his claims that he’s a good problem solver, he has been known to throw tantrums when he can’t figure out my puzzle toys. Then there was the time he he dented the old refrigerator by swinging our Wubba around with a bit too much enthusiasm, and he almost broke the TV when tossing the treat ball in frustration when he couldn’t get them out fast enough! As for fetch, as much as I enjoy playing with him, Chuck Billy isn’t the best at sharing, and it gets a bit daunting waiting for my turn. But not on dump day! He can have the bacon scented squeaky ball any other time, but while he’s doing errands it is all mine to chase!
But just as quickly as it starts, this special time with Mom ends as soon as we hear the garage door opening. Mom will open the toy box, and I will quickly put my toys back inside. Don’t worry though, I do leave some of the older toys out to share with Chuck Billy. Just not the extra special ones!

2023 Update: I’ve has mellowed out considerably since Asa posted this in 2017. But as you can see he still keeps a close watch on me around his toys.

Now if you’ll please excuse me, we’ve got some big plans to attend to! Hope you have a good week. We’ll check back later.