Buzz Off, Dad!

Have I mentioned we still have a bit of a learning curve when it comes to beekeeping? Case in point: When being pursued by angry Honey Bees, do not seek shelter in the basement, because they will follow you. So as you may have guessed our latest attempt at harvesting honey included a basement filled with bees.

This important life lesson came to us when Dad was starting to get our hives ready for winter. One of the first steps is to remove the extra frames in the honey super for harvesting. Well as you can imagine the Honey Bees were not too thrilled that after all their hard work, Dad just came along and took it. So they began buzzing around him. However, knowing they tend to be harmless, Dad continued with his work.

Then he went to the next hive, the one named after me. Let’s just say that my Chuck BEEly Bees and I have something in common. We both protect our homes. They started to come flooding out of their hive in great numbers surrounding Dad. Now normally using smoke keeps these small but mighty security guards at bay. Not this time. They were mad and they meant business!

Dad realized he was outnumbered, and began to run. Why is Mom never home with her camera when this happens? Anyways, around and around the yard he went, until finally Dad thought he was safe. So he ducked for cover inside the basement to remove his beekeeping suit. He soon realized he wasn’t alone. Up the stairs he sprinted, slamming the door behind him, and thus trapping the bees in the basement.

Now the good news is 1. Dad didn’t get stung. Not even by the bee that somehow managed to sneak in under his beekeeping hat and protective veil. And 2. We got a lot of honey! This may be the most honey they’ve ever made for us, while still leaving plenty for their winter meals. The bad news is 1. We had some angry Honey Bees in the basement. And 2. that is where my food is kept. So after a few hours Dad had to go back down there to retrieve my dinner.

Fortunately, this story has a happy ending! The bees had time to calm down, and Dad was able to get my dinner. He also left the basement door open for a few hours, so the Honey Bees could go home to their hives and enjoy a well deserved dinner with their families too.

No humans or bees were harmed in this story, one very hungry Golden Retriever eventually got his dinner, and look at all this honey!


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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