Well that was humiliating. I can’t believe I embarrassed myself so badly in front of Mom and Dad’s trainer, especially just when I was making such good progress with their obedience lessons. What was I thinking? Actually that was the problem, I wasn’t thinking! I wasn’t listening or focusing either. Instead I was ignoring my commands, spacing on the easiest of tasks, and worse yet I completely lost my mind and ran wild dragging Mom through the classroom until she dropped my leash! This week’s class was an anti-obedience free for all, with barking, zoomies and scent marking!
I was such a bad role model, not only for Mom and Dad, but for Asa too. He’s so impressionable, that he soon followed my example and started acting up as well. Dad, with good reason, ignored Asa when he started pulling towards the door. Next thing we know, Asa is relieving himself in the classroom. He hasn’t had an accident in years! I totally blame myself. My disobedience no doubt made Asa panic, or worse yet emboldened him to rebel by scent marking the classroom. What was wrong with me? Mom, Dad and Asa looked so shocked and confused. Now that I think of it, I must have looked shocked and confused too!
Mom and Dad’s trainer tried to calm me by saying it’s ok. He claimed it was good I had this “catastrophic meltdown” in a safe place because it was a learning opportunity for all of us. Did he have to use the word catastrophic? Reminding me that his darn cat was there judging and laughing at my every mistake.
I’m just going to sulk now, and ponder the disaster that unfolded in class. Then I will pull myself up by my leash with pride and march back into that classroom next week, ready to prove to that cat and everyone else that I am making progress training Mom and Dad!