Chuck Billy’s World

Surprise! We’re back! Last week Asa and I decided that Mom and Dad needed a vacation, so we took them to explore the midcoast region of Maine. It was the perfect way to celebrate the end of summer.

We awoke each morning to the sound of lobster boats heading out to check their traps. Thanks to their 5 AM wake up call, we all enjoyed beautiful sunrises every morning, with each one more spectacular than the previous. Being a responsible dog, just because Mom and Dad were on vacation, it didn’t mean I could neglect my patrol duties. So before answering the call of adventure, each day Asa and I would patrol the yard of the cottage we rented, culminating with searching the beach for treasure. We never found any, but Mom did bring home a few pretty shells.

Maine morning commute

Next we would leash up Mom and Dad and head out for a day filled with adventure! We made new friends in Rockland, and surprisingly ran into an old friend in Boothbay Harbor. We were approached by a woman on vacation who was missing her pup at home, and wanted to pet Asa because he reminded her so much of him. Well as Mom and Dad were chatting with her, they soon made the wonderful realization that this woman is the Mom of Asa’s littermate, Cooper! We’ve chatted online before, but it was wonderful to finally meet her in person, and get an update on Asa’s brother.

“There’s something familiar about that woman over there…”

Other adventures included reaching new heights in Camden, visiting a site that dates back thousands of years in Damariscotta, and of course no vacation would be complete without exploring a couple of historic forts. However, tired of the same old thing, we also encouraged Mom and Dad to do a little art appreciation, which included a trip to a sculpture park and the Olson House in Cushing. This is the house made famous by its depiction in the painting by Andrew Wyeth, “Christina’s World.” To be honest, I’m not sure if the grounds of the Olson House are dog friendly, but Mom was so excited to learn that we were near this historic house that we had to take her to visit.

If only Andrew Wyeth knew me, I’m sure I would have inspired a few paintings.

However, despite all the fun we had exploring new places, the best part of our vacation was playing fetch on the lawn of our rental cottage. Asa and I have played fetch in a lot of places, but this spot was by far one of the most scenic. I have so many wonderful tales and photos to share with you about our trip, but first I need to resume my neighborhood patrol duties. Thank you Inky, for keeping an eye on things while we were away! Stay tuned for future posts telling you all about our Midcoast Maine adventure, but in the meantime I hope you have enjoyed these few photos and highlights.

There’s a good reason why Maine is known as “Vacationland.”


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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