Dire Wolf Prophecy Update

Yesterday while Chuck Billy was complimenting my unique approach to training Mom and Dad, he neglected to mention another major milestone I’ve reached. It is clear in this photo that I’ve had another growth spurt. Slowly but surely my Dire Wolf prophecy is coming true!

For those of you who may not have been following Living with a Golden from the beginning, when I was a puppy I predicted that someday I would grow up to be a fierce Dire Wolf, last seen in prehistoric times and on HBO.  Chuck Billy just laughed and petted me on the head. It was obvious, as my Great Nana would say, “he’s just jealous!” However, as the months went by Chuck Billy couldn’t dispute the fact that I was growing bigger. Well that is until my growth spurts slowed down to a glacial crawl. I will admit that I did get a little discouraged that perhaps Chuck Billy was correct.

However a few years ago, a trip to buy lobsters changed all that when I learned about “shedders.”  According to the lobsterman’s wife, when lobsters grow big they molt their shell and grow a new one. Well I theorized why should dog fur be any different? I, too, can grow bigger with each hair I shed. And shed I did! Leaving magical fibers everywhere I went for the past few years.

Finally I have proof that my theory is correct! Remember a couple weeks ago in “Timing Is Everything,” when Chuck Billy was making fun of me for shedding my winter coat too early for spring? Well who has the last laugh now? I was experiencing another Dire Wolf growth spurt! I even have the photo to prove it! Just look at how much taller I am than Chuck Billy in the attached photo!

Now before you get too excited that my prediction has come true, don’t go alerting National Geographic that Dire Wolves are no longer extinct. At my current rate of shedding, it will be a rather long time before I reach my full Dire Wolf size. And to be honest, I’m not exactly sure how big Dire Wolves were since I’m the only one I know. Luckily though I’ve got other hobbies to keep me busy, and can wait for my destiny to be fulfilled.

Chuck Billy: Asa, you do realize it’s just the angle that makes you look bigger?
Asa: Stop being jealous, tiny big brother.


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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