Asa here. I couldn’t help but notice that there’s been a lot on TV about how to celebrate Valentine’s Day. There are cooking shows on preparing the perfect meal, segments on the ideal location to spend the day, and ads for ways to show love ranging from jewelry to a new car. These are all nice, and it is good to let people know that you love them. However, once again I feel like humans are missing the big picture. Valentine’s Day isn’t just one day on the calendar, it is a state of mind.
Well lucky for you, dogs live each day like it is Valentine’s Day! Here is a useful Valentine mnemonic that I wrote a few years ago to remind Humans how to truly show everyone that you love them each and every day, not just on Valentine’s day.
Value every relationship
Always greet with enthusiasm
Love unconditionally
Enjoy simple moments spent together
Never hold grudges
Treat everyone with respect
Insist on more playtime together
Never pass up an opportunity to cuddle
Every day is Valentine’s Day!