Good news! Asa saw his ophthalmologist, and his eye is…status quo! Alright, so status quo isn’t exactly a great diagnosis, the retinal hemorrhages are still there. However, the hemorrhages haven’t got bigger, nor are there more of them. Better yet with the bloodwork and other exams with Asa’s primary vet, we were able to rule out concerns about most underlying disorders that could be causing it unrelated to his Golden Retriever Pigmentary Uveitis. As for the GRPU, there was no obvious progression, and his vision continues to be clinically normal.
So where does that leave us? I’m like Mom and Dad and want to know answers, as to what caused it. But as Asa’s eye specialist explained, we may not know the cause. It may have been due to a previous exposure to a tick borne disease laying dormant in him, or perhaps a new bite. Either way, hopefully this recent round of antibiotics helped to control it. His blood tests all came back as normal, so there are no concerns about his platelets, and a clotting issue. The eye specialist said it also ruled out concerns for cancer or a tumor. Asa did fall into the “gray” area of high blood pressure, with multiple readings done during two visits which were all over the map from high to within normal range. However, both his vet and ophthalmologist agree at this point it doesn’t necessarily mean Asa needs to be on blood pressure medicine. These readings are very much indicative of a happy dog, excited to be at the vet. To further prove this point, Asa was happily prancing between the eye specialist and the vet tech during this visit.
Moving forward the plan is to continue his daily eye drops, and monitor for any visible changes in his eye or activity. There is the possibility the hemorrhages will heal on their own, without incident. So in the meantime Asa got the ok to go and enjoy his summer, and we’ll be back in the fall for a followup.

For a dog who has been getting a lot of attention lately for his journey with Golden Retriever Pigmentary Uveitis, I’m glad for once this visit to the ophthalmologist is status quo. Thank you to everyone for your prayers and positive vibes for my goofy brother.
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