First Aid Kits for Dogs – Part 3

Scissors are an essential part of my kit and I went with something not normally considered “First Aid” shears.  The scissors I choose are actually for grooming but I found they work just fine for my first aid needs – so I am getting double duty out of them.

Medical scissors are recognized for their angled edge that is specially designed to allow them to be used next to  skin without cutting the person (or dog).  The ones I looked at had pointed tips which I saw as an injury waiting to happen if I needed to cut fur away from my dog’s skin to address an injury.

I decided on a set of curved ball tip scissors.  The curve is perfect for cutting fur away on injury spots, rash areas and trimming fur down between paw pads.  The ball tips allow me a lot of leeway with a sometimes wiggling dog and I do not have to worry about accidentally sticking my pup.  I find these shears to be the perfect first aid/ hiking kit scissors.

My only other advice is not to purchase a cheap pair.  Get a sturdy, well made set.  Buy it once and cry once at the price as it will be the last pair you buy for this purpose.  I have had mine for many years and I use them on a weekly basis for grooming.  They have held up and stayed tight.

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As I mentioned last time I am encouraging fellow dog hikers to take some basic first aid training as a new student or as a refresher.  I take a refresher every few years and it has become easier to do with online courses.  The following classes are available on Udemy, a reputable source for training.

Online First Aid Classes

First Aid for Pets – This course is run by a veterinarian, Dr Katherine, and teaches basic knowledge to render aid for your pets in emergencies.  Be prepared for pet emergencies: build a first aid kit + learn what actions to take for a range of traumas and diseases.

First Aid for Remote and Rural Locations – Wilderness First Aid for those who enjoy the remote areas.

First Aid – A guide to first aid for the common man. Covers sudden illness, wounds, burns, bone injuries and more.


About the author

In his free time he entertains two Golden Retrievers that have seemingly endless energy.

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