Fourth of July – HA!

My calendar clearly states that today is Independence Day, the least favorite holiday for dogs.  Then why have people been celebrating with those infernal fireworks since Friday night!  Seriously, fireworks on the 4th of July are bad enough.  Why extend my torture by randomly shooting them off days ahead of schedule!

As far as I can tell no other holiday is celebrated days in advance.  For Halloween we don’t randomly go trick or treating days ahead of time.  My grandmother doesn’t serve big turkey dinners multiple times in the week leading up to Thanksgiving Day.  Heck, even Santa is polite enough to wait to break into our houses on the same day every year.

At least give me a warning.  One minute I’m enjoying a movie on TV.  The next the sky is raining fire, deafening explosions are echoing in my ears, and the cool breeze coming in the window is now choked with a strange smell.  It boggles my mind how there is no warning that a war zone is about to unfold above my head.  At least with thunderstorms I can sense changes in the atmosphere so I can prepare.

But enough ranting.  Since today is actually July 4th, I know that I have a long day ahead of me filled with explosions.  So my plan is to shelter in place under the safety of Mom’s desk, and no amount of peanut butter or promises of endless hot dogs at a cookout will lure me out before July 5th.  Independence Day – HA!

[Editor’s Note: More dogs go missing on the 4th of July than on any other day of the year.  Dogs do not enjoy fireworks, nor do they understand it is a celebration.  So please secure your dog in a safe location.  There is no need for your dog to attend such celebrations.  Keep them indoors and safe with plenty of “white noise” such as TV, radio, or air conditioner to help block the scary sounds.]

LWAG Dog Shelter in Place on July 4

Shelter in place: The use of a structure and its indoor atmosphere to temporarily separate individuals from a hazardous outdoor atmosphere.


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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