Fowl Play Followed by a Wake

Things are getting really ominous here. It all began last week when Asa and I witnessed Fowl Play in our backyard. We probably shouldn’t have made light of the fact that a flock of black birds is called a “murder.” Because that murder has been followed by a wake!

While out on a walk Monday evening, we were shocked to see not one but 5 turkey vultures watching us from the trees. Now we are use to menacing turkey vultures flying overhead, and once one even swooped down at us. But usually they are solitary creatures. We’ve never seen 5 hanging out in the trees all at once.

The other two turkey vultures were hanging out in a nearby tree.

Curious I looked up what a flock of turkey vultures are called. They are a “wake!” Seriously, look it up yourselves! Even an active imagination like Asa’s can’t make this up! The source I found said it is because they feed on dead things. So of course after a murder there would be a wake!

Just look how creepy they are at a wake!
Here’s a close up. Sorry it is blurry from the zoom lens, but they were thankfully high above us in the trees.

Although it is my job to go on neighborhood patrol, I’m a firm believer in signs. And this is one sign I want to ignore! So I’ll be staying under the safety of my desk for the foreseeable future. I sure hope the neighborhood owl isn’t in on this sinister plot. Otherwise this will turn into a real who done it!

This is one mystery your friendly neighborhood detective is not going to investigate!


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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