The Deer were nibbling on my precious fruit tree blooms again. Last year all their snacking damaged two of my apple tree saplings and one died. Therefore this year if I’m ever going to finally get fruit, I need to stop these bloom raiders by standing guard at my trees. Unfortunately I asked Asa, a blooming fool, to help with this important duty.

Asa: You can count on me Chuck Billy!

Asa: Oh sorry, that was me. I had a scratch.

Chuck Billy: I wish there were a few traits you inherited.

Chuck Billy: You know what makes me happy? Silence!

Chuck Billy: Maybe if you actually worked, you could whistle! Now stop making that noise.

Chuck Billy: 1, 2, 3… Stop distracting me! We need to be alert for Deer!

Chuck Billy: An eternity Asa, a blooming eternity!