We double dog dare you to take our Living with a Golden Get Outside Challenge! We have reviewed 106 Dog Friendly Places, and challenge YOU to go visit them all too! That’s just two hikes a week, with two to spare. Or you can spread it out to one hike a year for two years! Not only is this a great way for pups and humans to enjoy time together outside, we have something for every level and interest from easy to difficult for the perfect dog friendly adventures in Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts.
Looking for an easy hike along the straight and narrow? Then check out the many rail trails we’ve reviewed.

Anxious to reach new heights? We have great options for easy to difficult mountains to conquer.

For those interested in a learning opportunity, we recommend a hike through history.

There are also many trails with informational signage filled with fun facts about natural history and exploring the great outdoors.

For those who just want to relax, we’ve reviewed beaches ranging from popular tourist destinations to quieter coves perfect for a game of fetch.

If you would like to make it a day trip, we’ve got you covered with great places that are an easy drive from Portland, Boston, Concord, and Manchester that are perfect to pack a picnic lunch and spend the day.

And yes, we’ve reviewed quintessential Maine destinations with hikes along the rugged coast and mandatory lighthouse views.

So what are you waiting for? From off the beaten path, to must see dog friendly places, and everything in-between, we have a place for you! Not to mention we have a long list of new places that we are planning to explore and share with you in the year ahead. So to get you started, here is a list of a few of our favorite Winter Dog Hikes. For a complete list of all of our recommendations, including directions, weather forecasts, and photos, please visit our Dog Friendly Places page.

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