Goldenlocks’ Bedtime Story

Asa here. Oops, I mean Goldenlocks. Once upon a time there lived two Golden Princes. One young and carefree, and the other older and rather set in his ways. That is until one day when the older prince randomly decided to change where he slept at night. No more being tucked in with Goldenlocks. He wanted “alone time.” This left Goldenlocks feeling rather perplexed, but being carefree he began his quest for a new routine too.

On the first night, Goldenlocks tried sleeping alone in the room they once shared. It was fun! He jumped on and off the bed, over and over again, keeping the whole kingdom awake with the joyful thumping of his game. But after awhile the novelty wore off, and Goldenlocks didn’t want to be alone in the bedroom.

On the second night, the King and Queen invited Goldenlocks to sleep in the royal bedchamber, a magical place, usually off limits to the inquisitive prince. After exploring the room, he decided to nestle in the closet amongst the luxurious fabrics and familiar smells, as he drifted off to sleep. However, during the night the mischievous monsters who live under the royal bed lured Goldenlocks into their labyrinth of shoes and lost socks. Poor Goldenlocks soon found himself disoriented and stuck, and needed to be rescued by the Queen in the wee hours of the morning.

On the third night, the older prince announced that he would sleep alone upstairs in the room they once shared. This left Goldenlocks with no choice but to remain downstairs to guard their kingdom. That was a lot of responsibility for the once carefree Goldenlocks. The downstairs seemed so much bigger and darker, with many strange noises, when there all alone. Even the lure of sleeping on the forbidden couch throne didn’t seem so much fun as Goldenlocks once thought. He spent a long and lonely night pressed up against the castle’s gates leading to upstairs.

Now this bedtime story may remind you of a little girl named Goldilocks, who also was on a quest to find the perfect place to sleep. However, this Goldenlocks knew exactly what he wanted, and it wasn’t a comfortable bed. In fact, comfort was the farthest thing from his mind. This Goldenlocks simply wanted to curl up at night with his brother, the Golden Prince, and only go on adventures in dreamland. So on the fourth night, that is exactly what happened.*

*All characters and events in this bedtime story are entirely fictional, and any similarity to real dogs is purely coincidental.


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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