Grab Your Leashes and Sing Along to a Summer Classic

Studies show that humans remember things better when set to a familiar tune. They also say repetition helps to retain information. Therefore rather than our usual post reminding folks that dogs must obey the leash rules, today I’m resharing Asa’s song on the topic. So grab those leashes and sing along to Asa’s parody of Judas Priest’s “Breaking the Law,” titled Obey Leash Laws!

There I was on the beach walking, like a good boy hound 
Then it becomes so frustrating when a dog is out of bounds
Feel as though nobody cares about the dog rules 
So I might as well remind every one, to do what is right

Obey leash laws, Obey leash laws 
Obey leash laws, Obey leash laws 
Obey leash laws, Obey leash laws 
Obey leash laws, Obey leash laws

So much for the Golden rule, it is time to start 
I’ve seen every dog law broken, we all must do our part 
You don’t know what it’s like, when you leave our town 
If you did you’d find dogs banned, and you’d be barking too

Obey leash laws, Obey leash laws 
Obey leash laws, Obey leash laws 
Obey leash laws, Obey leash laws 
Obey leash laws, Obey leash laws

Just follow the dog rules!

Obey leash laws, Obey leash laws 
Obey leash laws, Obey leash laws 
Obey leash laws, Obey leash laws 
Obey leash laws, Obey leash laws

All it takes is one bad dog to ruin it for everyone. Don’t be that dog!!! This summer please keep our favorite places dog friendly, by obeying the rules especially the leash law! And don’t forget Asa’s other hit song, Pick It Up!


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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