Hanging with Dr. Doug

While Chuck Billy is off pouting because he is jealous, let me tell you about my awesome morning at the veterinarian’s office!  Would you believe it has been a whole year since I’ve been there?   This place is awesome!  Just the smells coming from doormat alone is enough to make me giddy.  One whiff and I can tell you about all the paws who have crossed it, from big dogs to small, purebreds to mutts, hey even my neighbor Milo had been there recently.  There was also the faint aroma of cats carried in by their owners.  The vet’s office is one of my favorite places to visit!

When I entered I was immediately welcomed by Sassy the Cat, who works there as the receptionist.  Ok, well maybe “welcome” isn’t the correct word.  Sassy did lift her head though from the desk to acknowledge me.  That’s when all the cooing started.  I have that affect on people.  All the staff were super excited to see me!  There were belly rubs, scratches behind my ears, and one person even commented on the humongous size of my paws.  Dad proudly told her I was going to be a Dire Wolf someday.  Not sure why they all laughed.

After greeting everyone, I was whisked out back to get weighed.  I have to admit that standing still was the most difficult part of the visit.  I was extra wiggly from all the excitement.  There were so many smells and sounds, that it was hard to stay focused on the task at hand.  But I eventually calmed down, and they took that opportunity to draw my blood for “tests.”  Perhaps they finally listened to my suggestion on doing genetic research on Dire Wolves?

Anyways, next they brought me to an exam room where Mom and Dad were waiting.  With all the excitement I had forgotten they came with me!  While we waited for my best friend Dr. Doug, I couldn’t help but be intrigued by the noises in the hallway.  So intrigued that I completely forgot my manners, and when Dr. Doug entered I slipped out of the room to investigate.  After being nicknamed “Mr. Nosey” by the vet techs, it was time for business.  Dr. Doug examined me from the tip of my nose to the tip of my tail, and everything in between.  I thought I heard the word “neutering” at one point, but I must have misheard them in my excitement.  A couple vaccinations and a few treats later, I was declared in good health and we headed home.

I can understand why Chuck Billy is so upset.  The veterinarian’s office is an awesome place to visit!  But he’ll get his chance to hang out there next month.  I wonder if Sassy the Cat realizes how lucky she is to work there?  Better yet, I wonder if I could get a job there?  I’m way more welcoming than she is!

Sorry I'm blurry. I was a bit wiggly throughout this exciting visit.

Sorry I’m blurry. I was a bit wiggly throughout this exciting visit.


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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