Happy 5th Birthday Asa!

Gather round, everyone! We have a lot to celebrate! Today is Asa’s 5th birthday! Let us all raise our water bowls to toast my goofy little brother! Oh sure his jokes make me grimace, and his attempts at becoming a rock star are awkward at best. Also I admit I’m still not convinced that he is a Dire Wolf like he claims. However, I do know that Asa is the happiest soul I know. No matter what life throws at him, he greets it with a goofy grin and a tail wag!

Asa has proudly earned his nickname from Mom and Dad’s trainer of “Slappy McHappy.” Throughout the classes Asa has put his own creative spin on the lessons, often resulting in Mom and Dad’s trainer having to quickly exit the room to let out a good belly laugh. Yet despite the trainer’s skepticism, Asa has proved time and time again that he could still master the skills yet with a whimsical twist.

I’m pretty sure Asa never had a bad day in his life. Yes, there have been a few droopy tail moments here or there, but through it all he always find the bright side to every situation. He purrs when he’s happy, and if he really wants to celebrate he’ll grab the nearest toy and squeak it in pure delight! In fact, it’s extremely rare for my little brother to bark in anger. So rare that it surprises us the few times he does speak up.

Asa has a gentle, loving soul that insists on seeing the best in everyone. I’m proud to say he’s my biggest cheerleader. I admit that sometimes I don’t always share the ball with him when playing fetch. However, whereas other dogs would get upset, Asa will run by my side cheering me on to greatness. His big heart even extends to his stuffed animals. Asa is the kindest pup I know who treats all his toys with respect, developing lifelong friendships. And should that friendship come to an early demise due to an accident at my paws, Asa will mourn for his lost stuffies. Yet he always forgives me for playing too rough with them. He’s also good at reading people’s emotions, and will focus his attention on who could use a goofy grin or a cuddle.

Oh but don’t get me wrong, Asa does have his flaws. Would you believe when he’s extra happy Asa will prance while on neighborhood parol? I can’t count how many times he’s made people laugh at us with his walk. And try as he might, Asa just can’t resist rolling in anything stinky. Then there’s his social compass that can spin wildly in circles embarrassing me in public. Although Asa has mastered the down/stay, he can never simply face in one direction and will slowly turn on his belly to focus his attention on anything and everything going on around him. But that’s ok. No one can be as perfect as me!

Now if you’ll please excuse me, let’s get this party started! We have a lot of celebrating to do today, culminating in a national holiday on Thursday to give thanks for Asa being in our lives!

Everybody sing! “Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to YOU…”
Asa, thank you for being YOU!


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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