Happy Birthday, Asa! In your six years I don’t think you’ve ever had a bad day, even when you are having a bad day! Your happy-go-lucky personality always comes shining through. You purr when you’re happy, can’t resist prancing on walks, and always have perfect comedic timing. Yet you somehow know when someone just needs a cuddle, and will quietly sit by their side as long as you are needed. Never do you bark in anger, or will hurt your beloved stuffed animals. In fact when it comes to toys, you always generously share yours with me, and not only do you patiently wait your turn when I’m showing off my athletic superiority during fetch, you cheer me on all the way.
Speaking of fetch, enough barking. It’s time to get this party started! Thank you Asa for being the best little brother! Cheers to many more years of tail wagging fun!