Remembering to Count Our Blessings

Cheer up, Chuck Billy. I understand your tail is drooping because this won’t be a traditional Thanksgiving surrounded by our loved ones. Yet remember we have so much to be thankful for, and should count our blessings.

We are very fortunate to spend all this time home with Mom and Dad. Even on the rare occasion when they do go out, they use their time more efficiently and return very quickly to us. And being home more isn’t bad at all either. We’ve played more games of fetch these past few months than in previous years combined. And considering how much you love fetch, that’s really saying something!

Also if our ball needs replacing, we are very lucky that the nice delivery men and women will bring them to our door, so Mom and Dad can stay home with us. In fact, we owe a great deal of thanks for everyone helping to fill online orders and deliver them to us, and to businesses that adapted making curbside pickup safe and easy.

I’m thankful too for our vet Dr. Doug and Mom’s surgeon for taking such great care of each of you. In fact, I’m grateful for all the doctors, nurses, lab techs, and nursing home staff working extra hard to keep us all safe and healthy. Especially those who can’t be with their families today because they are answering the call to help.

I have to admit too, despite all our jokes, Mom and Dad’s cooking has really improved this past year. A year ago Mom never would have dared to attempt to cook a turkey all by herself. And although our Great Uncle and Pepere won’t be here today to slip us bits of turkey undetected by Mom and Dad’s watchful eyes, have you noticed the rules have been a bit more relaxed around here? I’m sure they’ll share turkey with us this year, and that’s a reason to wag our tails!

And speaking of family, isn’t it wonderful how our grandmothers learned how to better use technology so they can video chat with us? It’s so good to see their faces even if we can’t be together. However, it is heartbreaking to think about our dear loved ones that we lost this year, whose faces we won’t see again. But also think of all the old friends who we haven’t heard from in awhile who have reached out to chat with us this year! That brings a smile to my face knowing they are thinking of us.

However, I’m most thankful for all of our friends on social media, who take the time to join us on our adventures, and to chat with us each day. Who also let us into their world, by sharing their stories and photos. It makes the world seem so much smaller knowing we’re all in this together but apart.

Wishing everyone a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

Asa: See, we do have a lot to be thankful for today and every day! Chuck Billy: Ok, I get it! But you do realize the only reason I was pouting is because dinner isn’t for another few hours?


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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