Is that Mr. Marshmallow?

Asa here.  Chuck Billy put me in charge of the blog today because he’s laughing too hard over my new nickname.  It all started Friday evening when we were enjoying the downtown holiday stroll.  It seems the children in attendance thought I looked like a marshmallow, and started calling me that silly nickname.  It would have been ok if only one or two people said it.  However, it didn’t take long for me to be surrounded by a gaggle of kids calling me, “Mr. Marshmallow!”

I hold the mischievous elves handing out marshmallows on a stick personally responsible for this unflattering association.  They got everyone thinking about marshmallows, and I just happened to be there.  Obviously there are no similarities between that soft and squishy treat and my athletic and muscular build, other than my light color and sweet personality.

However, despite Chuck Billy’s taunting and rolling on the ground laughing, I did not show my displeasure.  After all, it is a celebrity’s job to be gracious in all situations.  So I happily sat there while children petted me and called me that name.  I even wagged my tail in delight while walking past a group of adults who I overheard asking, “Is that Mr. Marshmallow?”  And I especially kept my composure when a toddler came bursting out of nowhere shrieking with delight, and threw herself upon me with her full weight to hug me.  She then proceeded to grab me by the ears and give me a kiss on the nose, while proclaiming her love.  Ok, I’m pretty sure she had consumed so many free marshmallows at this event that she was running on pure sugar, and shouldn’t be held responsible for her actions.

Alas, one can never guess how a crowd will react to a handsome Golden such as myself.  After all, with great cuteness comes great responsibility.  So I will accept my new nickname of Mr. Marshmallow as a badge of honor.

Introducing the one and only Mr. Marshmallow!


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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