Magic Beans Invasion

Mom and Dad have lost their minds!  Last week you may recall I rejoiced over the installation of a puppy playpen in our yard disguised as a “box garden.”  Finally I could enjoy being outside without having to worry about Asa’s antics.  But then Dad went ahead and ruined it by putting wire cones in it, and planting magic beans!  Well maybe he didn’t use the word “magic,” but he might as well have.  Everyone knows beans don’t grow in playpens or boxes for that matter.  What was he thinking?!  Besides, surely these wire cones are not safe for Asa to play with, nor is there room enough in there for this to be some sort of an agility course.  Why would he add them?  Clearly Dad was not thinking of the utilitarian purpose of this puppy playpen, and has a strange sense of aesthetics.  Worst yet, Mom won’t let me put Asa in there anymore saying it will hurt the tomatoes.  Tomatoes?  There aren’t any tomatoes in there!  Unless they are invisible to go along with the magic beans.  All I see is a few green leaves.  Oh well, I better go check on Asa to see what trouble he is getting into, and then I will begin researching what to do about invasive plants in my Peaceable Kingdom.

Chuck Billy and Asa confused by the updates to the "puppy playpen."

Chuck Billy and Asa confused by the updates to the “puppy playpen.”


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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