Martian Cat Geoglyphs in Maine

Martian Cat geoglyphs, in Maine? This Dog Ufologist says, “yes!” On Saturday while enjoying the Bark in the Park, I stumbled upon a startling discovery that further proves my Martian Cat theory. Fans of the show Ancient Aliens are no doubt familiar with the mysterious Nazca Lines found in the desert region of Southern Peru. The Nazca lines, referred to as geoglyphs or “ground drawings,” depict animals, geometric patterns and even an alien. Scholars are divided as to who built them, and why. However, some ancient astronaut theorists believe that the massive markings have an extraterrestrial connection, and may have even served as an ancient airport for UFOs. Similar drawings have been found around the world, and most recently by me in Maine!

Similar to the Nazca Lines, the ones located in this unassuming playground are best viewed from above, and depict hundreds of geometric patterns and animals.

Here is just a small sampling of the hundreds of geoglyphs I found.

Also similar to the Nazca Lines, the ones in Maine even include an intriguing etching of a humanoid figure that I nicknamed “Fred the Astronaut.”

Note the elongated head, odd placement of eyes , and crooked smile on Fred the Astronaut.

There are also strange other worldly beings that are beyond my wildest imagination and defy explanation.

What is this humanoid creature with three disc like antennae protruding from its head?

However, what is most striking are the repeated drawings of cats found amongst these mysterious geoglyphs in Maine.

Are the strange markings near the floating cat heads depicting the galaxy they came from?

For those familiar with my research, I claim that cats are originally from the planet Mars. My latest discovery of these ground drawings adds further credence to my theory. After careful examination, not a single dog was found. However, there were a total of six cats!

Note the unusually large oval eyes. Grey Aliens are also described as having similar eyes.

You have to ask yourself, why are there no dogs? Are the people who drew these massive markings paying tribute to the cats who have visited them from outer space? This Dog Ufologist says, “yes!”

If you squint, you can almost read the message that the Martian Cats are trying to tell us.

Proof of the unexplained significance placed on cats can be seen in this one depicting “Princess Kitty Cat!” Could this be evidence that there really was contact with Martian Cats as I theorize? And if so, how did this oddly shaped Princess Kitty Cat get here?

The largest and most ornate geoglyph in Maine is of “Princess Kitty Cat.”

Erich von Daniken, who first brought the world’s attention to the Nazca Lines’ alien connection, proposed that they were used an ancient airport for extraterrestrials. In keeping with this theory, I too found a landing strip perfect for UFOs at this site.

Based on the patina of this UFO landing strip, it has been here for quite some time.

It is interesting to note that the Nazca Lines are located near a key ingredient for rocket fuel and mysterious stone structures have been found in the vicinity. The Martian Cat geoglyphs of Maine are also suspiciously located near a dog park, and there is a stone tower of unknown origins nearby. Coincidence? Definitely not!

Mysterious stone structure built only a short distance from the dog park. Was it used to view the Martian Cat geoglyphs located approximately one hundred yards away?

However, as with the mysterious Nazca Lines of Peru, more research needs to be done on the Martian Cat geoglyphs in Maine!

For example, why is a Cosmic Egg, the mythological motif found in the creation myths of many cultures, found near Princess Kitty Cat? What are the Martian Cats trying to tell us?


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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