More Embarrassing Behavior

Well that was embarrassing. I know it’s been months since we’ve gone on a car ride, but I didn’t expect Mom and Dad to behave so silly. Last week Mom and I both had doctor appointments. In the past those would have been routine car rides. However, now they’ve become exciting adventures…well at least for Mom and Dad.

I understand why Mom was so excited, because this was her first car ride since her surgery in early March. However, that’s no excuse for Dad’s behavior. After all, he gets to leave the house every few weeks to go grocery shopping. Yet their enthusiasm for these two car rides were off the charts.

From the moment we left the driveway, they were chatting up a storm. “Look they built a greenhouse!” “Was that door always painted black?” “Look at all the blossoms on that Forsythia bush!” “Wow, there sure are a lot of cars lined up at Dunkin’ Donuts!” Must they feel the need to comment on everything they see? You’d never catch Asa or myself barking at everything on a car ride!

Then when we arrived at my vet’s office for our first appointment, Dad jumped out of the car as soon as it was parked. “STOP!” yelled Mom. You can’t just go running inside! We have to call and let Dr. Doug know we’ve arrived. Yes, Dad! Remember what Asa and I trained you. No jumping or running when we arrive places. You must remain calm. While I went in for my appointment, I made Mom and Dad wait in the car to decompress.

We had the opposite problem at our second stop for Mom’s doctor’s appointment. She was afraid to get out of the car! Dad told Mom to follow my example, and walk bravely into that office with her note of questions. At least on the bright side, Dad didn’t circle anything on Mom with a green marker for her doctor to examine like he did with me. I really wish Mom’s doctor came out and greeted her like Dr. Doug did with me. After a lot of coaxing, and adjusting of her mask, Mom finally got the confidence to go inside. Note to self: Remind me to work more on Mom’s separation anxiety training.

On the car ride home once again the nonstop chatter started. “Let’s take the long way home!” “Wow, the pond sure looks pretty in the sunlight.” “I wonder where all these cars are going?” “Oh look, Inky is out in his yard!” How annoying! Can’t we just ride in quiet and keep our thoughts to ourselves? Oh and don’t get me started on Mom and Dad’s need to wave at everyone they saw! Chill out! They’re just people!

I’m not sure when our next car ride will be, but I now know what embarrassing behavior to expect from Mom and Dad!

Asa: Mom and Dad are acting weird. Chuck Billy: How embarrassing! We’ve trained them to behave better than that on car rides!


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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