Mother Nature’s Little Spring Helper

Hello Mother Nature, it’s me, Asa. What’s troubling you? Here in my little corner of Maine you went from warm 65 degrees Fahrenheit temperatures on Thursday, to we’ll be lucky if we reach 25 degrees today. Also you really caught us off guard yesterday with that snow squall, and your howling winds on Friday night shook the house with your wails. Why all the drama?

I can understand you’re feeling overwhelmed thinking about all the things you need to do to get spring started not only in Maine, but across the country. From painting each new flower bud, and making sure the trees get a new wardrobe of leaves, requires a lot of artistry. On top of that you’re responsible for welcoming back the birds from their travels, and greeting the animals waking up from their winter slumber. Not to mention the pressure of making sure each plant and animal has what it will need for the months ahead. I agree that’s a lot of work, and would leave me anxious too!

However, I promise to help you prepare for spring! As the early wildflowers bloom, especially the dandelions that some humans mistake as “weeds,” I promise I will do my best to resist rolling on them so they they can grow and give much needed early food for the hungry honey bees and other pollinators. Also as Mom cleans out the garden beds in preparation for new flowers and vegetables, I will be watching closely so that she doesn’t disturb any nests hidden amongst the old leaves. This way the baby critters who call them home will have time to grow, and move out on their own. While I’m at it, I’ll remind Dad too not to burn that brush pile, until he’s confirmed there isn’t anyone calling it home. In addition, to help with the housing shortage as birds return back from their winter sojourns, I will kindly leave the fur I’m shedding in convenient places in the yard, so they can use it to build soft comfy nests.

Mother Nature, if we work together we can get ready for spring! Perhaps maybe some of our friends will also lend a helping paw, so you won’t feel so overwhelmed and give us the cold treatment?

Sincerely Your Little Helper, Asa

Asa: Look around, Chuck Billy. There are so many ways we can help Mother Nature prepare for spring! Chuck Billy: I’m beginning to see why Mother Nature is overwhelmed and would rather have winter last a bit longer.


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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