My Disgusting Little Brother Foiled Again

There we were all snug in our beds enjoying a peaceful night’s sleep.  When all of a sudden Asa made that one sound that can wake Mom from a deep slumber.  He was about to vomit.  Down the stairs, two at a time, Mom came with a bound, determined to save the living room rug!  Problem is in the dark she grabbed the wrong dog!  Everyone knows I’m the civilized dog, who when my tummy feels upset will immediately run to the backdoor so Mom or Dad can let me outside.  Asa, on the other hand, has no respect for cleanliness and will just vomit wherever he is standing.  But I digress…

Instantly Mom realized her mistake as she heard the offending sound coming from behind her.  Spinning around on her heels she dived back into the living room, while removing a poop bag from her pajama pocket.  What was she thinking?  Asa didn’t need a poop bag.  But then Mom did something that was pure genius.  With less than a second to spare she positioned the poop bag under Asa’s chin just in time to catch the vomit!  Mom saved the rug from the Toxic Avenger!

But before we could celebrate, Mom knew Asa usually vomits in threes.  So just as that dreaded sound started again, Mom was pushing Asa towards the tile floor in the kitchen.  She may not be able to save it, but at least she can scour the tiles later to remove the offensive mess.  With vomit number 2 out of the way, Mom pressed on despite Asa’s determination to smell the nasty goop.  He really is a disgusting little brother.  Anyways, Mom flung the door open and shoved Asa outside just in time before that last fateful purging.  We all breathed a sigh of relief as we stood in the darkness of the backyard with a few snowflakes quietly falling.  I couldn’t help but notice how tranquil and peaceful it was.  That is until Asa somehow found his squeaky ball in the snow and thought this was a great time to play!  Seriously, that dog has no common sense!

I don’t know how you always manage to get here in time, but thank you Mom!  Oh and in case you’re wondering, Asa is fine.  He ate a paper towel that didn’t agree with him.  Now if you’ll please excuse me, while Mom washes the kitchen floor for the second time this morning (one can never be too clean in situations like this!) I’ve had a long night and will be going back to bed.

Har, har very funny. My mess wasn't that bad that you need paper towels in bulk!

Har, har very funny. My mess wasn’t that bad that you need paper towels in bulk!


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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