Yesterday was National Paranormal Day, which is a day dedicated to answering questions beyond the normal scope of traditional science. Yet I missed it because of that infernal beeping in Dad’s loaner car! Well those Martian Cats, who are clearly responsible for that annoying beeping technology, aren’t going to stop this Dog Ufologist from celebrating! Therefore, in the spirit of the day, join me on a hike down memory lane when I answered the question about the connection between Aliens and Bigfoot!
Aliens and Bigfoot’s Erratic Behavior (November 5, 2021)
While Asa was busy distracting Mom and Dad with his silly versions of punk songs at Pawtuckaway State Park, in Nottingham, NH, I, the renowned Dog Ufologist, was making yet another earth shattering discovery! I found proof of Aliens and Bigfoot’s erratic behavior!
After posing for a photo by one of the glacial erratics, I spotted something very suspicious. There appeared to be a tiny handprint on the side of the massive boulder.

Look closer. Do you see it? Let me outline the unusual three fingers and a thumb shape for you.

This isn’t just any handprint. Everyone knows humans have 4 fingers and a thumb. This is an Alien handprint! Clearly this rock was NOT moved by glaciers and left here during the Ice Age as the polar ice cap melted. This rock was placed here by an Alien! But how could a little green Alien have the strength to move such a massive boulder? That’s when I took a step back and noticed there was an even bigger footprint with it!

Once again I will outline it for you to get a better look at it.

On Ancient Aliens, season 4, episode 7 “Aliens and Bigfoot,” they sought to answer the question “Is there evidence to connect Bigfoot with an Alien species that once visited Earth in the distant past?” Well according to my findings at this NH state park, the answer is a resounding, “YES!” It is obvious that Bigfoot assisted Aliens during the Ice Age to move this glacial erratic into place. The evidence is irrefutable!

Yet another mystery solved by Chuck Billy, renowned Dog Ufologist, with no help from Asa! If you would like to see this evidence for yourself, before visiting please familiarize yourselves with the very specific dog rules at Pawtuckaway State Park.