My Journey of a Thousand Miles

They say, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” I’m not sure how many miles I’ve covered going on adventures during the past decade, but I do remember where angel Lemmy took me on my first adventure. It was to his favorite place, Fort Foster. There I gazed upon the ocean for the first time, and heard the call of adventure.

Alright, so maybe I wasn’t exactly enamored with the ocean at first, but I eventually grew to love it!

Lemmy wasn’t an adventurer like myself. So we often explored the same places over and over again. But that’s ok, they were new places to me! Here we are swimming at my Grandparents’ lake…

…and enjoying one of many hikes on the trails near our home.

We also spent a lot of time at the beach, especially during his final days. But being a puppy, I preferred to keep my head in the sand and not face the sad reality that Lemmy would soon no longer be with us.

After Lemmy left us to go on his grand adventure over Rainbow Bridge, my family couldn’t bear the thought of going to his favorite places. So I encouraged them to reach new heights!

Alright, not all of these early adventures went smoothly. Would you believe on our first hike at Dogtown Woods we didn’t find a single iconic boulder etched with a message? Sure if I walked around the boulder behind me pictured here, we would have found one. But I was new to this exploring stuff!

But with practice I got better at leading my family to explore what could be around the next bend in the trail!

When Asa joined our family, I knew exactly though where to take him for his first grand adventure. We went to Fort Foster where Lemmy took me!

After that, Asa and I began our quest to explore the world…or at least New England!

Would you believe in the seven years of writing this blog, Asa and I have visited over 100 places in New England? And I still have many more places I’m looking forward to explore! Cheers to my continuing journey! Wonder where the next decade will lead me?


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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