My Weird Little Brother, Asa

When it comes to food, Asa is weird. Whereas I spend hours anticipating dinner, and reminding Mom to feed us, Asa will not help at all. In fact when dinner is finally served, he will patiently wait for me to finish. And instead of begging for a delicious morsel while Mom and Dad eat, Asa is usually under the table napping or off playing with his toys, leaving me to try to train Mom and Dad to share their food.

Now don’t get me wrong. Asa loves food. When it is his turn to eat he always does a silly happy dance before settling down to savor his meal. Yes, savor. He’s one of the slowest eaters I’ve ever seen. And like any dog, he will snap to attention when there are treats to be had. In fact, his recall is even faster than mine when treats are involved.

However, it is one specific treat that he cannot resist that makes him so weird. Asa loves green leafy vegetables! Seriously, if he hears the veggie drawer in the fridge being opened, or sees a container of spinach or kale, Asa will be right there to beg for a piece. I’ve seen him wake from a sound sleep and run all the way downstairs just to get a taste of fresh spinach! And once when Mom ran out of deli meat to “hide” a pill, she wrapped it in kale, and he ate it much to everyone’s surprise, including Mom’s!

Whoever heard of a fierce Golden Wolf stalking his prey of spinach? As a puppy Asa was convinced he was a Dire Wolf. If this is true, I’m beginning to understand why they went extinct.


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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