Have I mentioned how much I love Daylight Saving Time? Not only do I get fed an hour early, having Mom sleep deprived can lead to delicious treats! Well almost, if in my excitement I didn’t ruin it. Let me explain.
Mom was making her breakfast a little while ago, when she reached into the cupboard and grabbed an orange colored pouch. She was then just about to sprinkle the contents of said pouch on her yogurt, when she realized it was not the correct orange pouch with her granola. Instead she was holding my orange pouch of peanut butter treats!
Do you know how awesome that would have been? Surely Mom would not eat it, and would have no choice but to give it to me! A second breakfast of treats and yogurt is a dog’s dream come true! It would be like having a breakfast dessert! But alas, in my excitement, I sprung up and startled Mom from her sleep deprived fog. That’s when she realized her mistake and grabbed the correct bag.
I suppose it could have been worse though. Mom could have ate my peanut butter treats, and realized that tasted a lot better than her granola. Then I’d be stuck sharing with her. Sharing my treats with Asa is bad enough! Speaking of Asa, once again he is making light of a serious situation…
Old Mother Hubbard
Went to the cupboard,
And almost poured out the wrong treat;
When she came to,
And realized what she was about to do,
The poor dog was accused of deceit!