Our Haunted House on the Hill

I can’t believe Mom and Dad spent the weekend binge watching Netflix’s The Haunting of Hill House, when they repeatedly ignore my warnings about the haunted house right in our own neighborhood.  In fact, I even wrote about this neighborhood threat last year, long before the popular Netflix series even aired.  So without further ado, gather around and listen to my tale of horror that continues to haunt my daily walks.  Remember pups, not all ghosts only come out on dark stormy nights.  Some ghosts come out in the day!

The Haunted House on the Hill (October 23, 2017)  

You know how every neighborhood has that one creepy house?  It may be a bit rundown.  Or even completely abandoned.  Or perhaps it looks perfectly normal, but there’s just a weird vibe coming from it.  Well our neighborhood isn’t any different.  However, what makes that house stand out on our street is Mom and Dad’s insistence on talking to the disembodied voices that come from it!  Haven’t they learned anything from the scary movies that we watch?  Yet it seems like on every sunny afternoon while on our neighborhood patrol, they will pause in front of this one house to chat with the ghosts!

Even Asa gets in on it, and will happily wag his tail.  But at what? I will wildly look straight ahead, then right, left and behind me, but there’s no one there!  Oh sure the ghosts sound friendly enough.  The conversation typically starts with them wishing a us a cheery “hello!” Followed by the usual admiration of how cute we are, and the occasional comment about the weather or some bit of neighborly news.  Well I’m not falling for it!  So every time this happens I start tugging on the leash to keep walking.  If that doesn’t work, I’ll whimper, to alert Mom and Dad that danger is afoot.  But if they still insist on chatting with the ghosts, I have no choice but to be rude and start barking until we are safely away from this mysterious house.  Proving once again Mom, Dad and Asa have no survival instincts and need my guidance!

Asa’s Rebuttal:  Although this makes for a good ghost story, I hate to break it to you but this is just a case of Chuck Billy’s overactive imagination…combined with his refusal to look up!  You see the house in question is located above street level on a hill, and the “ghosts” are a nice couple who like to sit on their front porch on sunny afternoons.  Mom, Dad and I all know to look up to greet them, but for some reason Chuck Billy hasn’t figured it out yet.  Now I know I could let him in on this little secret, but we all find it entertaining to watch Chuck Billy wildly spinning around trying to figure out where the voices are coming from.  So for now our secret is safe from him.

Chuck Billy, keeping Mom, Dad and Asa safe from both real and imaginary threats.


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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