Dog Friendly Trails
Dog friendly hiking trails for you to explore!
Asa here. My apologies for not posting over the weekend. Chuck Billy needed my help taking care of Mom after her surgery. Oh sure he likes to portray himself as a take charge kind of dog, but to be honest he gets stressed easy. So Chuck Billy’s been sitting by Mom’s side whimpering. Even Dad […]
Asa here. First off, I’d like to report that Mom’s surgery went well and she is resting comfortably. To help her feel better I thought I’d share a song dedicated to Mom’s two favorite activities, listening to Bon Jovi and taking us for walks. Don’t worry Mom, you’ll be up again in the pre-dawn hours […]
Here’s the situation. Mom needs to have minor surgery tomorrow. She assures me that she’ll be alright. However, this leaves me with no choice but to let her take some time off as my administrative assistant. Therefore, I only have two options: Continue to write the blog myself while I let Asa take care of […]
I’m happy to report that Mom and Dad’s first Canine Good Citizen class went very well. I admit though, I feel like the weird old guy. My classmates are all younger than me. Ok, they’re a lot younger than me. Also they’ve all been through the obedience classes with this trainer, so some of my […]
Did you know the first dog to star in movies came from Maine? Long before Air Bud, Lassie and even Toto, there was Jean, the Vitagraph Dog! Jean, a Collie from Eastport, Maine, was the first dog to have a leading role in a US motion picture during the silent film era. Not only that, […]
Attention all dogs! Tomorrow, February 29, is Leap Day! The day the Four Paws on the Floor Rule does not apply! Yep, you read that right! Approximately every four years dogs do not have to obey the Four Paws on the Floor Rule, and instead can spend the day leaping with reckless abandon and glee! […]
Cabin fever setting in? Well leash up your pups and head on down to the First Annual New England Dog Expo hosted by Good Mojo University at their training facility in Milford, NH. The Expo will feature live demonstrations from champion canines showing off their skills, as well as the expertise of Good Mojo’s dog […]
The state of Maine isn’t the only one celebrating a big anniversary this year. While Maine looks forward to our 200th Anniversary as a state, Massachusetts is gearing up to celebrate the town of Plymouth’s 400th anniversary as the first permanent settlement in New England. While Plymouth may have won the race to colonize New […]
Sorry Asa, but Mom and Dad have gone as far as they can with you. It is time for me to lead them further to receive their good citizen status! Oh sure you’ve worked really hard this past year, but…well…how can I put this nicely? You seem to be a bad influence on Mom and […]
While visiting with our Great Uncle recently, he told us all about the dog he and Grandpa had when they were boys. By the sounds of it, Cookie had a very good sense of humor. For you see he helped Grandpa pull a very funny trick on our Great Grandpa. Great Grandpa insisted that every […]