Dog Friendly Trails
Dog friendly hiking trails for you to explore!
It’s rare that I admit I’m wrong. That’s because it never happens. However, for the sake of neighborhood peace, I would like to apologize for a statement made in Friday’s post, “That Time We Got Sprayed.” I hereby rescind my comment that cat spray is the worst smell. Skunks are indeed the worst! I bet […]
Recently my friend Daisy experimented with a new perfume courtesy of a skunk. Oddly enough her Mom didn’t like it, and immediately scrubbed away the offending odor. This reminds me of a time when I wish Mom and Dad scrubbed away the worst smell imaginable before inflicting it on myself and Asa. It was the […]
Summer is a great time to take a break from the old routine and have some fun. However, the work of animal shelters continue every day, and they still need your help! Summer months tend to be the busiest time for animal shelters, yet it is also when they experience a drop in donations. So […]
Asa here. First off let me begin with the good news, before I get to the more embarrassing part. I went for my 6 month check up for my eyes and I’m happy to report all is well! The ophthalmologist said nothing has changed with my iris cysts, there’s no signs of sticking that would […]
Take a dog friendly hike through centuries of history at Witherle Woods in Castine, Maine. Before Europeans vied for control of Castine, the history of Witherle Woods Preserve goes back even farther to prehistoric times when Native Americans used what is now known as Witherle Hill as a camp to dry their fish. You can […]
Avast me hearties. Once the desire for treasure gets into your soul you cannot shake the urge to find it. Such is the case with Asa. For 4 long years he’s been on a quest to find the fabled untold riches hidden by pirates along the coast of Maine. Many a night Asa has dreamed […]
As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Moon landing, I would like to pause to remember and give thanks to the fearless dogs who were among the first animals launched into space. Before humans could be sent into orbit, both the Soviet Union and the United States used animals to determine if space flight […]
Exciting news! The Animal Welfare Society combined their two biggest fundraisers into one even bigger tail wagging event! So come on down this Saturday and Strut Your Mutt at Woofstock! This is a FREE family-friendly, dog-friendly, beer and food festival benefiting AWS’ Companions for Life Fund for pet veterinary care. Strut Your Mutt through the beer garden, […]
From one big brother to another, welcome Liam to this exclusive club! Now I know what you’re thinking, “How can a dog and a little boy both be members of the same big brother club?” Well you’ll be surprised to know that whether your younger sibling has two legs or four, we both have the […]
Fort Madison in Castine, Maine may have been named for President James Madison, but the history of this dog friendly location goes back much farther to the 1600s. Built in 1808 Fort Madison was an earthwork fortification constructed to protect the Penobscot Bay from foreign threats. Or so they thought. During the War of 1812, […]