Dog Friendly Trails
Dog friendly hiking trails for you to explore!
I would like to take this time to offer my sincere apologies for all this snow. Clearly it is Asa’s fault. Don’t believe me? Lets review: On the night he was born in November – it snowed, on the afternoon my parents first met him – it snowed, and we all know what it has […]
It is official. I have a severe case of cabin fever. Oh how I long for my daily walks! The neighborhood must be falling to ruin without me to pick up the sticks and branches collecting along the sides of the road. Its been days since I’ve carried any home. And don’t get me started […]
Lemmy was my first trail hiking dog. It was with him that I discovered many of the places I continue to hike today. During our first winter I was in my local pet supply store and I saw Musher’s Secret. The product is a wax that bonds to your dogs paws to protect it in […]
Recently my Mom & Dad took Asa to his first vet appointment. Between the treats, new toy, cooing and pictures by the staff, Dr. Doug eventually did an exam. It’s good to take a new puppy to the vet to make sure he is healthy and in good shape. The vet checked Asa’s eyes and […]
My dogs love winter and they like to be outdoors. I’m out everyday walking them and, on my days off, doing some hiking. While both my Goldens have paws built for winter traction, I need some help. I started researching some options and came upon Yaktrax and STABILicers. I decided to purchase one pair from […]
Today is the Super Bowl…of Eating! Soon friends and family will be gathering to gorge themselves on food while watching football. This is the perfect opportunity for Team Golden to enjoy delectable table food normally off limits to us. So here’s the game plan. First we need to identify the weakest members on Team Human. […]
This week we welcomed home our new puppy, Asa. He is our third Golden Retriever pup and just like his brothers before him, he loves to chew – especially cloth textures. Luckily for him, and us, we discovered TUFFY Toys years ago. Most soft chew toys are not durable and given a few minutes – […]
Today I’m three years old! Would you believe my parents are trying to pass off my new sibling as my birthday present?! What three year old wants that?! Oh sure being top dog in the family comes with new responsibilities and expectations, but this is ridiculous. I long for the days when my big brother […]
I just realized this week has been all work and no play. That’s not the Golden way of things. Time for Chuck Billy’s Winter Circus!
“And when the second morning shone, We looked upon a world unknown…” John Greenleaf Whittier, Snow-Bound (1866) Ok, I’m not going to lie. I’m a little worried by the amount of snow out there. In all my three years I have never seen so much snow. Don’t get me wrong, I love the stuff. But with it […]