Proof of My Attempted Alien Abduction

I finally have photographic proof that Aliens are tracking me!  Ok before I get ahead of myself, let me tell you the backstory first.  When I was a young pup, I was warned by my big brother Lemmy that someday I would be abducted by Aliens.  But as a puppy full of bravado, I thought I was much too smart to fall victim to such an absurd circumstance.  But then it happened!

I’ll always remember that fateful day.  It started as any other day, the only difference was Mom and Dad forgot to feed me breakfast.  I was bothered by this oversight, but soon found myself at the Vet’s office and thought they must have been just so excited to take me there to see my friends that they forgot to feed me.  This is when things got weird.  I remember the staff making a fuss over my cuteness as usual, and putting me on a table with a bright light.  For some reason I was suddenly sleepy, and when I woke up I was in a kennel in a different room.  That’s when I noticed that something awful had happened to me!  Let’s just say I won’t be making Mom and Dad grandparents.  Much to my horror, I also realized I now had a microchip between my shoulder blades!  Lemmy was correct!  This had all the telltale signs of an Alien abduction – unexplained lights, missing time, and bizarre medical experiments.  But as with Lemmy, when I tried to tell my story no one believed me!

Flashforward to this week, and I finally have photographic proof!  While walking in the woods, Mom snapped the attached picture of Asa with me in the background.  How could she not have noticed the strange purple lights coming down through the trees directly at me?!  Just look at Asa’s face, even he knew something wasn’t right!  And no this was not photoshopped.  Mom hasn’t figured out how to use that software.  So clearly this was yet another attempt by Aliens to abduct me!  Thank goodness I was distracted by a squirrel and chased after it before the Aliens could take me.  From now on I will keep a more attentive eye to the sky!  Also, I think I’m going to contact Ancient Astronaut Theorist, Giorgio Tsoukalos, of Ancient Aliens fame, to see if he’d like to include me as his sidekick on next season’s In Search of Aliens!

That purple light is proof that Aliens are tracking Chuck Billy.

That purple light is proof that Aliens are tracking Chuck Billy.




About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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