Dog Friendly Trails
Dog friendly hiking trails for you to explore!
We have a strict “No Squeaky Toys in the Office” rule ever since that incident a few years ago. How were we suppose to know Dad was talking to someone really, really, really important? But I digress. Since then Asa and I have obeyed that rule for the most part…until recently. I have to give […]
Two years ago in 2021, we visited Goat Hill Trail in Acton, Maine when it was still a work in progress. On June 3, 2023 they celebrated the official opening of this ADA accessible trail! Maintained by the Three Rivers Land Trust, this approximately half-mile, 5 to 7 feet wide, gravel, switchback trail is a […]
Today is Talk Like a Pirate Day! So you’ll no be doubt talking in a pirate growl, doing your best Long John Silver or Captain Jack Sparrow impersonation. However, what you may not realize is on a daily basis you could already be talking like a pirate, or at least a sailor. Many common phrases […]
Backyard patrol is never routine. One must always be on alert, because a situation can change in an instant. It is also important to know your limitations when these situations arise. This is what happened to me recently while out patrolling my backyard. It began with the unnerving feeling that I was being watched. That’s […]
Asa here. I decided to write a song to summarize the first leg of Asa’s World Tour of Maine and the summer of 2023. After looking through the photos and swapping tour memories with Chuck Billy, one theme became readily apparent. It rained…a lot! Every weekend with very few exceptions, in fact. So it is […]
As Mom and Asa head off on another walk singing a happy song, I can’t help but smile and think of Grandpa. Grandpa always hummed when he walked. In fact, as a puppy I was convinced that he couldn’t walk without singing a tune. And boy did Grandpa know a lot of tunes! He was […]
Well this is really awkward. On behalf of Asa’s World Tour of Maine, we’d like to issue an apology to Asa’s feathered fan. You may recall earlier this summer, there was a bird in our garage. At that time, Asa incorrectly assumed she was a fan who followed him home on tour. And I may […]
As Asa’s World Tour of Maine winds down for the summer, I say it was a big success! Especially since when we set off on this grand adventure, as the tour manager, I really wasn’t sure what to expect, with an up-and-coming rock star, and an inexperienced road crew consisting of Mom and Dad. Yet […]
For years now I have been searching for the portal in my kitchen. I have undeniable proof that it exists, as evident in the mysterious disappearance and reappearance of objects in that room. However, I could not locate the portal itself. That is until this weekend! I have found the portal in my kitchen to […]
As I watched the school bus drive past my house this morning, I was reminded of the kids who use to wait for it near my driveway. Back then I included pausing at the bus stop on my morning walk, so they could pet me. I would happily send them off for the day with […]