Dog Friendly Trails
Dog friendly hiking trails for you to explore!
It has been a few months since my emergency surgery in February to remove my left eye, due to Golden Retriever Pigmentary Uveitis. Since then Chuck Billy has been really good at keeping everyone up to date medically on my condition. Today I thought I’d share my perspective on how I’m adapting to all these […]
Good news! Asa saw his ophthalmologist, and his eye is…status quo! Alright, so status quo isn’t exactly a great diagnosis, the retinal hemorrhages are still there. However, the hemorrhages haven’t got bigger, nor are there more of them. Better yet with the bloodwork and other exams with Asa’s primary vet, we were able to rule […]
Last week I may have vetoed the suggestions Asa came up with for Mother’s Day gifts. However, when left to his own devices, he did alright in picking out something for Mom. Asa even proved he was listening when I told him about Lemmy’s corner. When not under chairs to be as close to Mom […]
I’m feeling nostalgic this morning. Six years ago Asa and I attended our first New England Golden Jubilee. The event itself at Dog Mountain wasn’t our only first that weekend. It was also the first time that we stayed in a hotel. This weekend Goldens from across New England and beyond will be attending the […]
I, Chuck Billy, the renowned Dog Ufologist, have just made an out of this world connection that will forever change our perception of squirrels! Recently while watching an episode of Nature, they made an offhanded comment. A comment whose significance was probably missed by most viewers, but it immediately enhanced the focus of my research. […]
Last night Mom kissed us goodnight, and then laid down in her bed. As she drifted to sleep she felt something tickle her face. She touched it, and realized instantly that there was a tick on her face! She sprang from her bed to dispose of it, thankful that it hadn’t bit her yet. After […]
It is the moment everyone has been waiting for – the big reveal of what practical gift did Dad help us pick out for Mother’s Day this year! From our Dad who in the past has given Mom such memorable gifts as a vacuum cleaner… …an old timey push lawnmower… …and lawn chairs… We bring […]
I admit for previous Mother’s Days, Asa and I took the lazy dog route and let Dad pick her gift. Those gifts tended to be on the practical side. Although Mom never said anything, she sure didn’t react like they do on those Mother’s Day commercials. This year I decided to let the most impractical […]
Whether you’re a Dog Mom with 4 legs or 2, here are some suggestions of dog friendly places to enjoy with your family on Mother’s Day. For more information, just click on the highlighted name. As always please obey the dog rules and clean up after your dog so that we all may continue to […]
Hello, Imaginary Friends. Thank you for coming today. You may be wondering why Asa and myself called this meeting. It has come to our realization that you may be what our Great Nana called, “fair weather friends.” Why is it that you are always willing to tag along with us on sunny beach strolls… ….but […]