Dog Friendly Trails
Dog friendly hiking trails for you to explore!
Attention Golden Retrievers! Mark your calendars because in exactly one month, on May 21, 2022 Golden Retrievers from throughout New England and beyond will be partying at the 8th Annual New England Golden Jubilee! Golden Retrievers will be gathering at Dog Mountain in St. Johnsbury, Vermont with a purpose – to support the critical research […]
I demand a rematch! Our kibble hunt on Sunday was clearly rigged. Every year the Easter Bunny breaks into my home and hides my kibble in the living room. I have made it very clear that I do not like the rabbit hiding my food, much less touching it. Yet he still manages to slip […]
The spring backyard building boom has begun! I’ve been watching the birds and other critters hard at work making nests. I’ve also seen a lot of posts lately of dogs sharing their fur to help their feathered friends. However, I want to caution that NOT all dog fur is safe to leave out for birds! […]
On April 18, 2014, just after 9:00 PM, our brother Lemmy crossed Rainbow Bridge. But this post is NOT about when he left us. Instead, today I am sharing Mom and Dad’s memories of when Lemmy came home on January 25, 2007. Lemmy was their first dog, and they talk about those fond memories with […]
Ruh! Roh! Mom is searching for the bunny ears. It must be that time of year again when dog owners lose their minds. Don’t they know it is humiliating to dress us up as rabbits? After all, our innate wolf instincts clearly tell us we should be hunting rabbits, not masquerading as them! Luckily for […]
From the dogs who brought you Golden Fur Art and Build a Golden Retriever, we bring you Fur Bunnies! Better than your average Dust Bunny, these one of a kind works of art will make your Easter holiday soft and fuzzy! Just image the hours of enjoyment making this treasured gift, and the surprise of your loved ones […]
This week marks the 5th anniversary of Miss Caterpillar joining our family! That is like a bazillion years in stuffed friend years! I never dreamed when I received her as a gift from the Easter Bunny in 2017 that Miss Caterpillar would still be going strong five years later. Don’t get me wrong, I treat […]
While I continue to wait to hear back about my inquiry regrading using a trip to International Space Station as a tax write-off, I’ll share this discussion about taxes that is a lot closer to home. Did you know there was once an attempt to let humans get a tax deduction for their dogs? Take […]
Dear IRS, Hypothetically speaking, if a renowned Dog Ufologist raised the $55 Million required to spend time as a private canine on the International Space Station, could that dog use it as a tax write-off? Now before you answer, hear me out. Even though this could be misconstrued as a dream vacation for said Dog […]
As a renowned Dog Ufologist, it is important for me to be alert wherever I go, because you never know when a UFO will appear. Even in broad daylight, in front of many witnesses an unidentified flying object could appear. Case in point, last weekend while enjoying a Sunday stroll on my favorite beach I […]