Dog Friendly Trails
Dog friendly hiking trails for you to explore!
Last year we double dog dared you to take our photography challenge. We not only dared you to take a photo each day of your pup, but to try to take it from different perspectives. And from what we’ve seen on Twitter and Facebook many of you rose to the challenge documenting everything from daily […]
Charles Dickens once wrote, “When happiness shows up, always give it a comfortable seat.” A lovely sentiment, especially when guests are visiting during the Holidays. However, when Mr. Fezziwig gave this advice to a young Scrooge, I’m pretty sure he didn’t intend it to be a recommendation for a gift. Case in point, after watching […]
Wow, 2021 has been quite an eventful year! Not to brag, but I will, I’ve solved quite a few mysteries, and furthered my research as a Dog Ufologist, while Asa continued to write new songs for his dream career as a rock star. Thank you for following along on our adventures as we explored what […]
As 2021 comes to a close, we are pausing to remember the dear friends who have crossed Rainbow Bridge this year. Some dogs we have known all of our lives, while others we were just beginning to know. Many we never met in person, but yet by welcoming us into your lives through your posts […]
Although dogs cannot eat Fruitcake because some of the ingredients are toxic to us, today we are celebrating this holiday dessert by sharing fun facts. Often the punchline in jokes in America, the Fruitcake is considered the food of royalty in England, and has been served at the weddings Queen Victoria, and also enjoyed more […]
Every year it is the same thing. Santa for some unexplained reason thinks it is perfectly acceptable to come sneaking into my house on Christmas Eve. Why can’t he come during normal visiting hours? And better yet, how does he do it without waking me, the best guard dog in the neighborhood? Last year I […]
In this busy world, we often don’t stop to take the time to tell someone what they really mean to us, share a memory of them that makes us smile, or just simply reach out to let them know they are on our minds. May we suggest slowing down, and taking the time this Christmas […]
This is an exciting week for Asa as he waits for Santa’s big visit. But he isn’t nearly as excited as the year our brother, angel Lemmy, woke the entire house on Christmas Eve. It was the first year without our great grandparents, and Grandma wanted the entire family to stay at their old home […]
Want to honor the memory of a dear friend who crossed Rainbow Bridge this year, while also helping to make a brighter future for all dogs? Or celebrate a new pup who joined your family? Please consider making a donation to the Morris Animal Foundation’s Golden Retriever Lifetime Study. The Golden Retriever Lifetime Study is […]
Chuck Billy killed stuffed animals to begin with. There is no doubt whatsoever about that. The fluff was strewn about the house. Chuck Billy knew he killed it? Of course he did! How could it be otherwise? Chuck Billy knew the squeaky toy was a shell of its former self. And even he was not […]