Dog Friendly Trails
Dog friendly hiking trails for you to explore!
Dogs, has this ever happened to you? Your human throws a snowball, only to have it disappear despite your best efforts to find it. Well rest assured it has nothing to do with your search and rescue skills. Dogs, don’t be alarmed, but your yard could be a snow portal to anther dimension! As a […]
As I continue to wrap my mind around the fact that Asa built a rocket ship in my living room, I’d like to take a moment to salute the brave dogs who were among the first astronauts sent into space. Before humans could go into orbit, both the Soviet Union and the United States used […]
What do give a renowned Dog Ufologist for his 10th Birthday? His very own rocket, of course! To celebrate Chuck Billy’s birthday, I hosted an out of this world birthday that was a real blast! I even made him his own rocket ship! Ok, so truth be told, I couldn’t afford a ride for him […]
It’s been a fun week strolling down memory lane as I countdown to my big 10th birthday celebration on Sunday. While Asa is busy going over the final preparations for my big “surprise” party, I thought I’d remind him how thoughtful Lemmy was when he hosted my first birthday in 2012. As opposed to how […]
It is a well known fact that my motto is “Fetch Is Life!” However, you may be surprised to learn that despite being a natural athlete and a retriever, I needed to be taught how to play my favorite game. Spoiler Alert: It wasn’t Lemmy who taught me. Lemmy took a different approach and enjoyed […]
They say, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” I’m not sure how many miles I’ve covered going on adventures during the past decade, but I do remember where angel Lemmy took me on my first adventure. It was to his favorite place, Fort Foster. There I gazed upon the ocean […]
For years now, I have been sharing my fascinating theories as a renowned Dog Ufologist. Many have wondered what started my meteoric rise to fame. Well it all began when I was just a puppy with the Mayan Apocalypse. For you see, my older brother, angel Lemmy, firmly believed that the Mayan prophecy was correct […]
Attention everyone! Today starts the countdown to my 10th birthday on Sunday! Ok, if I was thinking I would have started the countdown earlier, so it would be 10 days. But I’m a dog, and math really isn’t my strong point. Regardless, all this week I’m going to share posts all about me! From sweet […]
Last week Chuck Billy wrote a rather mean-spirited post making fun of my need to remind myself left paw, right paw, while walking on ice. Thankfully the ice on the road has melted, but we are facing another bitter blast of arctic cold this weekend. Now that I no longer have to worry about slipping, […]
Asa here. Recently I had my biannual eye appointment to monitor for Golden Retriever Pigmentary Uveitis. I have fluid filled cysts in my eyes which are common in Golden Retrievers. These cysts typically do not adversely affect vision, but this does mean that I could develop Golden Retriever Pigmentary Uveitis, which is controllable if caught […]