Dog Friendly Trails
Dog friendly hiking trails for you to explore!
It has been brought to my attention that I need to give Dad a refresher course on the “Leave It” command. Apparently Dad could not resist the delicious treats Asa and I received as a gift from a special friend, and attempted to eat one. Problem is, unlike human treats which are softer, our dog […]
Dear Mother Nature, I am writing to you in regards to delivery issues with my recent orders for snow. On Saturday, January 2, 2021 I received your shipment of slush. As you can see in your records, I requested pure snow. Not that snow and rain slush you sent me, which I might add has […]
Still looking for a New Year’s Resolution that’s fun, yet challenging? We double dog dare you to take our photography challenge! Ever since we were puppies, Mom takes a photo of us every day. Now I know what you’re thinking, “How hard is that? I already take a million photos of my dog every day.” […]
Alright, we are now officially a few days into 2021, and we couldn’t help but notice those better days everyone was talking about aren’t quite here yet. But don’t worry! They are on their way! In the meantime though while we continue to social distance, Asa and I would like to share our recommendations on […]
As we greet the new year filled with hope and uncertainty, the words of nineteenth century poet, Celia Thaxter, come to mind: “Dark skies must clear, and when the clouds are past, One Golden day redeems a weary year; Patient I listen, sure that sweet at last Will sound the voice of cheer.” May 2021 […]
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary 20/20 Hindsight is “the full knowledge and complete understanding that one has about an event only after it has happened.” Well as the year 2020 comes to a close, I still can’t even begin to understand everything that happened this year, especially Mom and Dad’s weird behavior. It began so […]
It has been a long year for all of us. So why not breathe in the fresh air and start 2021 on the right paw with a First Week Hike! Traditionally these have been guided tours at state parks across the country on January 1st. But this year, as with everything else, things are a […]
As the year draws to a close, this is always the most difficult post for us to write, especially in 2020. The loss of human life this year is overwhelming, with so many families and pets grieving. Yet we feel it is important to continue our tradition of paying tribute to the dear dog and […]
This Christmas as shipping boxes replace gift wrapped presents under the tree, if there are any gifts at all; when loved ones speak to each other through screens, while others have a seat at the table that will forever be empty; and we all face a future filled with uncertainties, we’d like to share with […]
Asa here. I just had the most amazing dream! Santa came to play fetch with Chuck Billy and me! We even sang this special version of “Jingle Bells” together. I hope your Christmas is quite fetching too! Dashing through the snowTwo Goldens out to play O’er the fields we run,Barking all the wayBells on collars […]