Dog Friendly Trails
Dog friendly hiking trails for you to explore!
Fourteen years ago on this day Mom and Dad became first time dog parents. This was a responsibility they did not take lightly. Before Lemmy set paw into our home, they read every book recommended to them and sought advice from respected dog sources regarding everything from medical care, diet, exercise, and training. They thought […]
Recently someone asked me what was the first song parody Asa wrote. That distinction goes to “I Want a Rock,” originally shared on February 26, 2016. Technically this was more of a situation of Asa mishearing the lyrics to Twisted Sister’s iconic rock anthem, “I Wanna Rock,” than an actual song parody. Like all adolescent […]
Last week I shared that as a puppy I showed great promise as a Shoe Efficiency Expert. Therefore, I’m sure it will come as no surprise that I also spent time working as a Branch Management Engineer. As you know I take my responsibilities on neighborhood patrol very serious. However, back when I was young […]
As Champ and Major prepare to move into the White House, we wanted to help them prepare for their roles as First Dogs of the United States by sharing the tales of the pups who have come before them. These patriotic pooches have stood by their owners’ side greeting foreign dignitaries, presiding over meetings in […]
Six years ago this month I started this blog with a few goals in mind. I was excited about the impending arrival of my little brother Asa, and wanted to share our adventures. Hence the name of the blog, “Living with a Golden.” I also promised my older brother Lemmy that I would keep his […]
Mom, Leave It! Back away from the Christmas tree! We repeat, Leave It! We know that for the past week you have been insisting that Christmas is over and have been putting away the decorations. However our friend Opie mentioned that perhaps we should keep our stockings hanging in case Santa has extra treats to […]
Not to brag, but I will, when I was a puppy I showed great promise as a shoe efficiency expert. Whereas most puppies chew shoes, I spent my days searching the house for them, and then would carry them one by one to my bed, where I would match the shoes up again. This was […]
Asa here. You may think that being friends with stuffed animals is all fun and games, but there’s a lot of responsibility too. For example, yesterday my stuffie friend Moosey was feeling a bit stuffy, and wanted fresh air. I never want to disappoint my stuffies, so I was more than happy to oblige his […]
When it comes to winter clothing in Maine, LL Bean and his iconic boot usually first comes to mind. However, Leon Leonwood Bean isn’t the first Mainer to invent warm clothing for outdoor fun. There’s also Chester Greenwood, of Farmington, Maine, who in 1873 invented earmuffs! As the legend goes, Chester enjoyed ice skating, but […]
After months of not hiking to avoid the uptick in traffic on our favorite trails, we finally ventured out. We chose an overcast weekday, with slight flurries, and bone chilling temperatures to go on this adventure in the hopes that the trails wouldn’t be crowded. We also chose a location that offered over one hundred […]