Charles Dickens once wrote, “And can it be that in a world so full and busy, the loss of one creature makes a void so wide and deep that nothing but the width and depth of eternity can fill it up.” This year we had to say goodbye to many dear friends and family who have crossed Rainbow Bridge. Some we never met in person, but through their tweets and posts, they became dear friends. Others are family members who have left us far too soon. Sadly our list is long this year, with too many names to pay a proper tribute to each and every one. However, please know that as each of our friends crossed Rainbow Bridge they all left loving paw prints on our hearts and will be fondly remembered. I’d like to reflect now on a few whose void can never be filled.
My littermate, my brother, my first friend, Duncan passed away at the tender age of 6. Duncan was the life of the party. In fact he invited all of his siblings to his home for family reunions. Home was always important to Duncan. He was happiest when cuddling on the couch with his family. Duncan was also an impressive athlete, and his “Duncanball” dives into the swimming pool will always be our favorite memory. Duncan leaves behind his younger sister, Dea, and nephew Dexter, to watch over his family that he loved so dearly. Love you and miss you, until we meet again at the end of the trail, my brother.

Lemmy’s brother, Barney, also crossed Rainbow Bridge this year at the age of 11. Barney began his adventures with a wonderful man, who was taken from him all too soon. With his true heart of Gold(en), Barney stayed with him until help could arrive. He went on to join a new family, and even had his very own little boy to grow up with. Over the years he added Golden siblings and a Pekingese pup to his pack, and together they enjoyed wonderful adventures. We take comfort that Barney is now back with his beloved Momma Butter, playing with his loving siblings Beauty and Lemmy over Rainbow Bridge.

We never met our Golden cousin Brody, who lived across the country in California. However, we always looked forward to his photos and hearing about his adventures. Brody was a true Californian, and even delighted in showing off his surfing skills to his east coast cousins. But it wasn’t all fun and games for Brody. When his human grandmother became sick, Brody stayed by her side. I know in my heart his grandmother was there to greet him when he crossed Rainbow Bridge, and Brody is lovingly whispering advice to his new siblings Dakota and Ollie.
Our rabbit cousins, Sarah and Lanikai, both made the journey over Rainbow Bridge this year too. Their quiet reassuring presence when visiting our grandparents will be dearly missed. My one regret with my bunny cousins is every year in our rush to get to their house to celebrate Christmas, we always forgot their fresh carrots in our fridge at home. They understood our excitement though, and no doubt laughed at our antics. They are now surrounded by their many bunny friends and family, and enjoying fresh carrots in fields of green.

We also said goodbye to a very special human. Lezlye was one of our first followers and a dear friend to Mom. When Mom told her about Living with a Golden, she politely said, “I don’t really like dogs, but I will take a look.” Lezlye went on to be our biggest fan, never missing a post. If something came up and she had to take a break, as soon as she could she would be back reading all the posts she missed. Her comments were always funny and insightful, and at times she would email Mom when our typos were over the top. Today whenever Mom finds a typo, often days after posting, she always smiles and thinks of Lezlye. Thank you Lezlye for your friendship and guidance, Mom misses chatting with you.
Princess was another dear friend to Mom. She was a Shetland Sheepdog who came to live in her senior years with Mom’s friend, and passed away at the age of sweet 16. She had two little boys and a cat to go on adventures with, but Mom’s favorite memories of Princess were the times they had together. Princess lived next door to Mom’s previous job, and it never failed when Mom was sneaking out of work out early, she would bark a jolly hello! Now as you know, Mom can’t resist saying hello to her dog friends, so would pause to pet her, and inevitably get caught by someone. Oh sure Mom would try to cover up her early exit by pretending to be checking the mail, but Princess knew the truth!
We never met Duke, but his Golden charm won our hearts on Twitter. His grin was the perfect mix of pure joy and mischief. And boy was he mischievous! We took great delight reading his tweets on outsmarting his Papa Steve, especially in his extreme efforts to avoid sleeping on the many comfy beds his Dad bought for him, and his unique way of avoiding the throw rugs put down to help with his arthritis. Papa Steve wasn’t the only one he fooled. Mom always had trouble finding him hiding in his “Where’s Duke” tweets. Duke, we’ll always remember your beautiful smile. We’ll meet you at the end of the trail, my friend.
We could go on with tributes to so many more beloved friends! There’s our neighbor Odie, whose morning patrol of the field is dearly missed. And Rocket, who had the best “saucer paws!” Our friend Ruffus left us far too soon. He was our dear friend Crimson’s brother, another gentle but mischievous soul, who knew just how to make us all smile. Another one of our first followers, Bubba, crossed Rainbow Bridge on Wednesday after celebrating one final Christmas with his family. We also had to say goodbye to our Uncle Basil. Although “Naughty By Nature,” Basil was a sweet soul and was a loyal companion to his loving family. Asa’s Grandma Diva also left us this year. However, we have no doubt when her happy bouncy soul crossed Rainbow Bridge, her first words were, “what’s next” as she set off on her latest adventure.
Thank you dear friends for leaving paw prints on our hearts. You are all deeply missed, but will be fondly remembered. And to your families that had to say goodbye to you this year, please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you. Thank you for sharing your dear pups with us, and touching so many lives!